Kalender: Tidigare evenemang/rapporter och rapporter

Återställ sökning
  • The Kingfish Mindset - The CD-MORA Business Model

    torsdag 13 februari 2025 18:00 - fredag 14 februari 2025 19:00

    Hotel Hellsten An introduction to a framework for informed decision-making and achieving goals, both in personal and professional life., Our own member Gustaf-Wilhelm Hellstedt will give a short introduction to his upcoming book with the working title as in the heading. The primary objective of his book is to cultivate fearless leadership and promote personal growth. 
  • Talk about ”The Centre for business history in Stockholm"

    torsdag 6 februari 2025 18:02-19:00

    Hotel Hellsten  The Centre for Business History in Stockholm (or Centrum för Näringslivshistoria, www.naringslivshistoria.se/en) is one of the world’s leading business archives. It helps Swedish companies take care of their historical material, both physical and digital. The companies are also offered help in actively using their heritage as a strategic business asset - or history marketing. It’s the business reason that companies needs to invest in archive solutions – and its core to the Centre’s success. And it is what allows the Centre to also run a research secretariat, where it can conduct independent research and initiate academic projects.  Anders Sjöman, head of communication and client assignments, will explain more about hos this all works – and illustrate with examples from the archives.
  • UNHCR Over 120 Million: The Global Situation of People Forced to Flee

    torsdag 30 januari 2025 18:00-19:00

    Hotel Hellsten Over 120 Million: The Global Situation of People Forced to Flee, , Nannie Sköld/Communications Associate at UNHCR, will come to us and give a talk.  , Globally, over 120 million people have been forced to flee due to conflict, violence and persecution. Over half of everyone forced to flee have fled within their home country, without crossing an international border. Why has the number of people forced to flee doubled in the past decade? And what do we talk about when we talk about durable solutions for refugees?
  • Rotary Vocational Service - Workshop

    torsdag 16 januari 2025 18:00-19:00

    Hotel Hellsten Our own Club member Ulrika Wennberg will give a talk about Rotary Vocational Service .January is Vocational Service Month, Rotary's greatest strength is the skills and experience of its members. Vocational Service is about bringing your professional skills to Rotary service and letting the Rotary values make an impact in your professional life. Following a brief introduction it will be an interactive workshop to explore different options for club members to serve each other, the club and the world through Vocational Service. Ulrika Wennberg serves as District Chair and Club Committee Chair for Vocational Service.
  • The history of diamonds and presentation of the Swedish Pawnshop Industry

    torsdag 28 november 2024 18:00-19:00

    Hotel Hellsten Ms. Sophia Åkerlund is one of the Swedish Pawnshop's  most experienced appraisers. She will talk about her career,  the history of diamonds and the Swedish pawnshop industry.
  • Rotary around the Globe - Insights from International Rotary Conferences

    torsdag 21 november 2024 18:00-19:00

    Dear Rotarians, There are more than a million Rotarians spread all over the globe. Every year, various international events take place to foster global collaboration and to further elevate the idea of fellowship. Our own Club Secretary Lennard Dietrich has represented Sweden at many of those inte...

    Hotel Hellsten Lennard P. Dietrich
  • From the field to academia: how to become a peace fellow and how to make a difference

    torsdag 26 september 2024 18:00-19:00

    Hotel Hellsten The two Rotary Peace Fellows ambassadors  Daisy Bispo Teles and Zaliha Laval will talk about " From the field to academia: how to become a peace fellow and how to make a difference".
  • Vocational Service Workshop

    torsdag 19 september 2024 18:00-19:00

    Hotel Hellsten Rotarys största styrka är medlemmarnas kompetens och erfarenhet. Därför kommer detta att vara en interaktiv workshop för att kartlägga, synliggöra och matcha alla klubbmedlemmarnas kompetens och intressen med klubbens och dess projekts behov.  Vår egen klubbmedlem Ulrika Wennberg fungerar som distriktsordförande och klubbkommittéordförande för yrkestjänst.
  • Elisabeth Norrby talks about "Rotary today"

    torsdag 12 september 2024 18:00-19:00

    Hotel Hellsten Elisabeth Norrby is a member of RCSI and will give you a brief summary of Rotary facts and figures focusing on recent changes of the Rotary map. In various roles Elisabeth has been working for the District for 10 years and she is leading the Rotary Leadership Institute, RLI, a very appreciated 3 day training seminar for incoming Presidents and other leaders in Rotary Clubs. She is now District Governor Nominee. This is an excellent opportunity to get to know the larger Rotary community outside our Club and to bring along a friend or partner who is interested in Rotary.
  • European North Macedonia-Land of potential and opportunities

    torsdag 29 augusti 2024 18:00-19:00

    Hotel Hellsten Ambassador of  North Macedonia Mr. Djenk Sejfula, We are glad to host the Ambassador Djenk Sejfula of North Macedonia in Stockholm. North Macedonia is a landlocked country in South East Europe with excellent geostrategic location. It became 30th member of NATO in 2020 and the EU accession remains its strategic goal. The country provides a good example of functioning multi-ethnic society. North Macedonia is fully aligned with the common foreign and security policy and assists Ukraine including with military equipment which is a strong signal of its strategic choice to join the EU. Recently elected new Government prioritized the fight against corruption, judicial reform, energy policy and attracting foreign investment    
  • RCSI Fellowship mingle

    torsdag 22 augusti 2024 18:00-19:00

    Dear all,  welcome to an informal fellowship meeting. Let's catch up with each other after the summer break! Please prioritize attendance!

    Luntmakargatan 68 Fellowship mingle  
  • Club President – Year intro

    torsdag 15 augusti 2024 18:00-19:00

    Dear RCSI members, We hope you had a splendid summer break! We are thrilled to host you back at Rotary Club Stockholm International. To kick-off, we are very honored to host our very own Club President Mirella Di Stefano, who will talk about her vision for RCSI. Please truly prioritize ...

    Luntmakargatan 68 Club President – Year intro
  • No meeting due to summer break

    torsdag 20 juni 2024 18:00-19:00

    Dear RCSI members, we wish you a great upcoming midsommar and hope you enjoy the summer!  We are truly looking forward to seeing you again after the break - the Presidential handover and Year intro will be on Thursday, August 15th from 18:00 in the breakfast room at Hotel Hellsten. We will send a ...

    N/A No meeting due to summer break
  • RCSI end of the year Fellowship mingle

    torsdag 13 juni 2024 18:00-19:00

    Dear all,  welcome to the last meeting of the Rotarian year - this will be an informal fellowship meeting. Let's see each other before the long and well deserved summer break! Please prioritize attendance!

    Luntmakargatan 68   RCSI end of the year Fellowship mingle  
  • No meeting due to Nationaldagen

    torsdag 6 juni 2024 18:00-19:00

    N/A Dear all, we wish you a nice Nationaldagen!There will be no meeting this week (i.e. June 6th).
  • The Challenges the UN faces: Experiences from the Field

    torsdag 30 maj 2024 18:00-19:00

    We will host Klem,, who will speak about his experience of working for the UN over the past decade in peacekeeping, political, and development roles. He will set out some of the challenges that working in places such as South Sudan present, and also the underlying tensions caused by problems with U...

    Hotel Hellsten Klem Ryan  
  • Ambassador of Lithuania to Sweden

    torsdag 23 maj 2024 18:00-19:00

    Dear RCSI members, We are very honored to host H.E. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Lithuania to the Kingdom of Sweden. The Ambassador would like to talk about security situation in Nordic-Baltic region and recent developments in this field (Swedish membership in ...

    Hotel Hellsten   Linas Antanas Linkevičius
  • Join Hands2Ocean to help Clean up Mälaren

    lördag 18 maj 2024 11:00

    Come and join us at 11 am on 18 May at  Jan Inghes Torg 32, Hammarby Sjöstad to clean up Mälaren (well, in this case, Hammarby Sjön). Hands2Ocean (formerly Rena Mälaren) will have divers cleaning the bottom of the lake and they need helpers on land from 11 am to drag things up and sort. Register y...

    Hämmarby Sjöstad - Jan Inghes Torg 32
  • Lead the Change: Cultivating Sustainable Values

    torsdag 16 maj 2024 18:00-19:00

    Dear RCSI members, We are excited to host Johan Forsberg for a workshop on "Lead the Change: Cultivating sustainable values". Johan is an Entrepreneur and board member with an executive, strategic and communications background. He has more than 20 years of experience in digitalization, as an ent...

    Hotel Hellsten   Johan Foersberg
  • Urban violence and strategies for prevention in El Salvador

    torsdag 2 maj 2024 18:00-19:00

    Dear RCSI members, We have the honor to host Eva Rodriguez! She will share her experience and lessons learned before her Peace fellowship as part of peacebuilding networks that promote dialogue and violence prevention in multiple countries. She will reflect on her findings regarding urban violence...

    Hotel Hellsten   Eva Rodriguez
  • Ego speeches

    torsdag 25 april 2024 18:00-19:00

    Our club has had the pleasure of welcoming several new members in the recent past, and we're excited to get to know them better! To make things fun and relaxed, we've asked our newest members to prepare an "Ego speech" for our meeting this week. It's a chance for them to share a little about th...

    N/A Alex, Robert
  • Sustainability: How does it really affect us

    torsdag 18 april 2024 18:00-19:00

    Dear RCSI members, We are excited to host Peter Åberg, who will speak about the essential about Sustainability. He has vast experience on Sustainability issues in Sweden and beyond. Welcome, please prioritize attendance! Please note: The meeting will be held at the same venue as t...

    Hotel Hellsten   Peter Åberg
  • Fellowship mingle meeting

    torsdag 11 april 2024 18:00

    A mingle in the bar of the Hotel Hellsten to get to know each other better - all welcome.

    Luntmakargatan 68 Fellowship evening
  • The art of pickpocketing

    torsdag 4 april 2024 18:00-19:00

    Dear RCSI members, Beware of pickpockets! Entertainer and pickpocket expert Robert Ace has been travelling across the world with a different kind of show. Starting out as a magician he has since studied and mastered the techniques of pickpockets to entertain people on stage. He also lectures for s...

    Hotel Hellsten   Robert Ace
  • No meeting due to Easter

    torsdag 28 mars 2024 18:00-19:00

    N/A Dear all, we wish you a nice Easter!There will be no meeting this week (i.e. March 28th due to Skärtorsdagen).
  • Digital signatures

    torsdag 21 mars 2024 18:00-19:00

    Dear RCSI members, We have the honor to host Kristofer Lundqvist. Kristofer Lundqvist is at the helm of the Project Management Office at Scrive, a company at the forefront of digital solutions. Renowned globally, Scrive provides essential eID solutions, along with streamlined onboarding and agreem...

    Hotel Hellsten   Kristofer Lundqvist
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