What it means to be an honorary consul for Guatemala

torsdag 15 november 2012 18:00-19:30, Hotel Hellsten Luntmakargatan 68 11351 Stockholm
Margareta N. Eidensten was appointed honorary consul of Guatemala in Stockholm in 2007. She has been a member of the Board of The Consular Corps of Stockholm since 2008 and its president since 2010, the first woman in the Nordic countries to hold a similar position. In 2011-2012 she was also the president of Corps Consulaire en Suède and is currently a board member. Corps Consulaire represents the honorary consuls in Sweden which number more than 270 and represent about 100 countries.

She has held executive positions in international commercial banks and consulting for many years in Sweden and abroad in several countries, with particular focus on Latin America. She has always been engaged in international strategic work. She is a founding member of SWECA-The Swedish Central American Chamber of Commerce.

She is a member of Stockholm Djurgården Rotary Club and was president of the club in 2002-2003.

Mrs. Eidensten has a Master of Business Administration from Lausanne (IMD), a Bachelor of Economics and Business Administration from Sao Paulo (FGV), and a Bachelor of Arts among others from Stockholm (SU). She speaks six languages.