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10 apr. 2025
15 maj 2025
The Rotary Club of Stockholm International is a young, vibrant member of the Rotary International family. Started in May 2003, the club is located in Stockholm, Sweden’s capital city, and is the only Rotary club in Stockholm that conducts meetings entirely in English. The membership is international and professionally & culturally diverse.
RCSI adheres to the vision, mission and principles of Rotary International. Being the only English-speaking International club in Stockholm we especially welcome visiting rotarians from abroad and other parts of Sweden to join our weekly meetings.
Being the only English-speaking International Rotary Club in Stockholm means that over the years, we have had the pleasure of hosting visiting guest Rotarians from clubs all over the world at our weekly meetings. Similarly, many of our own members travel extensively and make a point of attending the weekly meetings of Rotary clubs in the countries they visit. As it is a Rotary tradition to bring a club flag for presentation to the clubs being visited, we now have a substantial collection of club flags, some of which are displayed below.