The Longevity Revolution: The new Science of Aging and the possibility of extending human lifespan
torsdag 15 maj 2025 18:00-19:00, Hotel Hellsten, Hotel Hellsten, Luntmakargatan 68, 11351 Stockholm, Sweden
Talare: We
are so glad to host Linus Peterson who is
co-founder of Swedish Longevity Cluster and author of 'Läkemedel mot Åldrande'
(Medicines Against Aging). He has worked on the problem of aging for 20+ years,
including work on stem cells at Karolinska Institutet and
within the longevity biotech startup scene. Currently he is a
consultant within the pharmaceutical industry.
Linus Petersson will give a brief overview of the science of aging, and the numerous ways drugs targeting aging itself are being developed. He'll also touch upon the ethical considerations of indefinite lifespan extension. Finally, why this is practically relevant within our lifetimes, we'll get an overview of the new longevity industry and the 100s of companies that are developing these drugs today.