Vocational Services in Rotary

torsdag 31 januari 2013 18:00-20:00, c/o Hotel Hellsten Luntmakargatan 68 11351 Stockholm

Rotary activities are described in our five “Avenues of Services”: Club Service, Community Service, International Service, Vocational Service and New Generations Service. The five avenues are linked together, and support each other, making our promise “Service above self” come true.


SIRC is one outstanding Rotary Club when it comes to Club Service andInternational Service. Now is the time to highlight the importance and impact the Vocational Service can have on our activities.


Anders Kinding, who is a long time member in the club, will give a short introduction on what Vocational Services in Rotary is about, and then facilitate a discussion on how we in our club can enhance this avenue of service.


One part of the meeting will be “speed presentations” of each member in the room, so we will ask you to prepare a single powerpoint slide and submit it to anders@kinding.com prior to the meeting. A template slide will be sent to you in January.