Talk about ”The Centre for business history in Stockholm"
Thursday, February 6, 2025 18:02-19:00, Hotel Hellsten, Hotel Hellsten, Luntmakargatan 68, 11351 Stockholm, Sweden
Speaker(s): The Centre for Business
History in Stockholm (or Centrum för
is one of the world’s leading business archives. It helps Swedish companies
take care of their historical material, both physical and digital. The
companies are also offered help in actively using their heritage as a strategic
business asset - or history marketing. It’s the business reason that companies
needs to invest in archive solutions – and its core to the Centre’s success.
And it is what allows the Centre to also run a research secretariat, where it
can conduct independent research and initiate academic projects. Anders
Sjöman, head of communication and client assignments, will explain more
about hos this all works – and illustrate with examples from the archives.