Elisabeth Norrby talks about "Rotary today"

Thursday, September 12, 2024 18:00-19:00, Hotel Hellsten, Hotel Hellsten, Luntmakargatan 68, 11351 Stockholm, Sweden
Website: https://hellsten.se/en/

Elisabeth Norrby is a member of RCSI and will give you a brief summary of Rotary facts and figures focusing on recent changes of the Rotary map. In various roles Elisabeth has been working for the District for 10 years and she is leading the Rotary Leadership Institute, RLI, a very appreciated 3 day training seminar for incoming Presidents and other leaders in Rotary Clubs. She is now District Governor Nominee. This is an excellent opportunity to get to know the larger Rotary community outside our Club and to bring along a friend or partner who is interested in Rotary.